Saturday, July 26, 2008, 7:00 PM
hello everyone :D i am soooo touched about wat she said about our class... really miss her lessons lots! her lessons aint as boring.. hope she comes back and visit us.. btw.. wats her blog ? :P
6:22 PM
Dedicated to Ms Jocelyn Lau
hey guys , i came across Ms Lau (our ex-history teacher) 's blog . and here are some of th things she said abt our class (:
1e2 is my beloved class. they were kinda noisy today but i just couldnt bear to scold them. i just smile when some started laughing. so they tot i was faking angry. but i wasnt angry at all. darlings, i just don bear to be mad at you all.
1e2 , my beloved. I just enjoy teaching them. They really can make my day to a great extent. :) Love you all lots.
1e2 has prefects that will shine. Jing Ru is a really nice girl I feel. Understanding and cares for her classmates. Respect to her peers and teachers. Really proud of you. :)
Historian Toh. For a moment, I was embarrassed when your class called you that when you went up the stage. 1E2 is just so cute.
I love 1e2. Very conducive class. For the students and myself. One more lesson with you all. I will miss you all. Vanessa is sooooo cute. Vanessa : "Class stand" (waiting for everyone to stand and be quiet) Eagen : "Class greet" (when everyone is not ready yet) Vanessa : "Don anyhow give commands lars!" (hit Eagen)
yea, this is what she said about our class(: arent you guys touched ? well, personally i am(:
To Ms Lau ; We Really Miss You Loads, We're not really keen on Our Current History teacher, Mr Pillai. His Lessons can get boring at times and he made us complete the WHOLE history workbook as June holiday hmwk ): Please come back soon to visit us(:
From your beloved, 1E2 :D (aysha ,on behalf of 1E2)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 6:39 PM
hello one and all .
tmr is e-learning day and theres not a need to go to schl . wtfazdsnxshdcn ! hahas, okey, tmr we're gonna hv class conv. in msn . so yea, once u do dkn wht crap at just go online la . byeeee you ppl of this world .
Saturday, July 19, 2008, 8:39 PM
 hello people, hope you'll had fun today at th carnival :D well, you wan any of th pics seperately or if you hv any pics to give me ,pls do so on msn or on Monday ,thanks you pplssssxszx (: goodbye .
Saturday, July 26, 2008, 7:00 PM
hello everyone :D i am soooo touched about wat she said about our class... really miss her lessons lots! her lessons aint as boring.. hope she comes back and visit us.. btw.. wats her blog ? :P
6:22 PM
Dedicated to Ms Jocelyn Lau
hey guys , i came across Ms Lau (our ex-history teacher) 's blog . and here are some of th things she said abt our class (:
1e2 is my beloved class. they were kinda noisy today but i just couldnt bear to scold them. i just smile when some started laughing. so they tot i was faking angry. but i wasnt angry at all. darlings, i just don bear to be mad at you all.
1e2 , my beloved. I just enjoy teaching them. They really can make my day to a great extent. :) Love you all lots.
1e2 has prefects that will shine. Jing Ru is a really nice girl I feel. Understanding and cares for her classmates. Respect to her peers and teachers. Really proud of you. :)
Historian Toh. For a moment, I was embarrassed when your class called you that when you went up the stage. 1E2 is just so cute.
I love 1e2. Very conducive class. For the students and myself. One more lesson with you all. I will miss you all. Vanessa is sooooo cute. Vanessa : "Class stand" (waiting for everyone to stand and be quiet) Eagen : "Class greet" (when everyone is not ready yet) Vanessa : "Don anyhow give commands lars!" (hit Eagen)
yea, this is what she said about our class(: arent you guys touched ? well, personally i am(:
To Ms Lau ; We Really Miss You Loads, We're not really keen on Our Current History teacher, Mr Pillai. His Lessons can get boring at times and he made us complete the WHOLE history workbook as June holiday hmwk ): Please come back soon to visit us(:
From your beloved, 1E2 :D (aysha ,on behalf of 1E2)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 6:39 PM
hello one and all .
tmr is e-learning day and theres not a need to go to schl . wtfazdsnxshdcn ! hahas, okey, tmr we're gonna hv class conv. in msn . so yea, once u do dkn wht crap at just go online la . byeeee you ppl of this world .
Saturday, July 19, 2008, 8:39 PM
 hello people, hope you'll had fun today at th carnival :D well, you wan any of th pics seperately or if you hv any pics to give me ,pls do so on msn or on Monday ,thanks you pplssssxszx (: goodbye .
Form Teacher/Maths/CME : Ms Wendy Lee Hui Fen
Science : Mrs Jeya / Mr Ezzy Chan
History : Ms J Lau / Mr Pillai
Geography : Ms Poon
D&T : Mrs Lau / Mr Soon
Home Econs : Mr Ong / Ms K Lau
Literature : Mrs Ong
Art : Ms Ong
Drama : Ms D Wong / Ms Huang
English : Ms Lim / Ms Tham / Ms Tan
MT : Huang Laoshi / Mdm Majidah / Cikgu Fadhli / Cikgu Nurul / Cikgu Ahmad -.-
Music : Mr Phua / Ms Wong
PE : Mdm Mama Foong :D
Yi Ting; chinese rep
Aysha; secretary
Jing Ru
Dominique; vice-secretary
Wei Qian
Karin; english rep
Phoebe; drama rep
Marlina; PE rep
Nini; head-monitress
Hazwani; malay rep
Samantha; geography rep
Rachael; maths rep
Shanine; science rep
Yuen huey
Denise; Homec rep
Vanessa; vice-monitress
Hui Ling
Colin; PE rep
David; english rep
Bai Kuan; treasurer
Sherman; art rep
Jun Long; IT rep
Eagan; history rep
Kok Cong
Hong Kai; IT rep
Peng Fei; maths rep
Bowen; science rep
Layout: vehemency
Icon: reruntherace